Social Networking and Marketing for Automotive Dealerships & Businesses
89% of small businesses find that social media helps them gain exposure and increase their web traffic. BUT 31% say they don’t know how to use social effectively or “don’t know what to post. Social Marketing gives small and medium size businesses the ability to grow their fan base and turn online leads into raving customers
Social Marketing makes publishing fresh content that easy.
- Select content categories by industry and republish the hottest news of the day
- Set-up custom keyword searches for specific topics
- Discover what people are saying about a particular subject and join the conversation
Discover real-time leads and find tons of new fans
Every day, millions of consumers declare their buying intentions on social media (I am Going Car Shopping today). With Social Marketing, business owners can:
- Actively listen to the social space and gather leads based on geo-targeted keywords
- Choose from pre-determined lead searches or create unique ones and receive alerts every time a new prospect is discovered
- Start conversations with customers and offer incentives to close the deal
Use Social Marketing to provide stellar customer service
- See comments and posts from all social media channels in one place
- Respond to every customer interaction from the same intuitive screen
- Manage ongoing relationships with complete customer history tracking
Preview and post to the most important social channels from one location
Social Marketing is as hassle free as life gets (if you don’t count cruising the Caribbean). From one tab, business owners can:
- Publish content to multiple social sites with the push of a button
- Utilize in-line conversations so the context of interactions is never lost
- Schedule a post and “set-it-and-forget-it”, giving them more time to get back to running their business
Track social media performance across profiles
Ain’t nothin’ like some hearty analytics. Use the most important stats that will help you understand your campaigns and preview insights into your social profiles.
- Track growth across channels from one dashboard
- Monitor changes in Facebook, Twitter and Foursquare reach
- See the growth in fans and followers from social campaigns
Contact us today to Engage in your Social Network, if you don't someone else will. Call Now: 941-744-2500